Magenta Estaa Necklace Set

Bollywood Shimmerz
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This magnificent necklace is simply stunning, featuring gold with a glittering mix of pink and clear crystals and white pearls. It comes with matching earrings and a maang tika to complete the look.

Necklace width approx. 2.3"

Earrings Size approx. 3.7"

Maang Tika front locket size without a chain approx.  2.5"

Necklace comes with adjustable Neckline

Style tip

Pair this with the ideal bridal gown or a piece of ethnic clothing created especially for important events.

 Care Tip

  • Avoid contact with perfume, moisturiser,soap or other harsh chemicals
  • Wipe it gently with a clean cloth after use, to increase longivity
  • Keep in cool and dry place., away from direct sunlight.
  • store in separate zip lock bags with air squeezed out to avoid damages.



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