The Rajasthani Collection

Sarees by Marisha
  • Availability: In stock
  • Delivery : Free
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Reflecting the warmth and intrigue of the mighty Thar Desert, this collection of hanging decorative baubles is full of rich colours in a palette of deep reds, sun-scorched yellow and ochre, orange, terracotta, and earthy browns. Though it’s our most ‘neutral’ collection of baubles, you can still expect to see a distinct vibrant Indian design heritage that will light up your home with an art installation of its own!


Our upcycled baubles are crafted using saree fabric remnants and help to protect the planet by encouraging a healthy attitude to minimising waste. This means your baubles may differ slightly from the image you see here. We use a wide range of premium fabrics, so you can expect to see beautiful bauble decorations fashioned from georgette, chiffon, block-printed materials, raw silk and organza. Some may have intricate borders, raised trims or be finished with woven mixed threads. 

Collection boxes will consist of 4x baubles to the value of £12 each and 2x baubles to the value of £15 each. It will be a random selection within the colour pallet. Saving you a value huge £18.  



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