  • Availability: In stock
  • Delivery : £ 6.90
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Step up your fragrance game with Signature, a luxurious blend of rich, complex notes that will keep you smelling irresistible all day long.

This Eau De Parfum (EDP) fragrance has around 10-20% perfume oil and so is a much more potent blend than an Eau De Toilette (EDT). These fragrances can last up to 8 hours.

The accords start with a beautiful combination of oud, rose, and musk with a touch of fruitiness on the top, which slowly fade away to a more Arabic smoky-sweet effect. A diffusive Cambodian oud and burnt rose to maintain the scent's longevity. 

This fragrance is perfect for those who want to stand out in the crowd as it is superdiffusive, and it has a unique aroma that will grab all the attention towards you.

Whether you're dressing up or dressing down, Signature guarantees you'll always make a lasting impression.

Ziba Fragrance Collection Bottle Size: 100ml



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